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what's 'real'?


IPA: [ʀeˈaːl], Komparativ: [ʀeˈaːlɐ], Superlativ: [ʀeˈaːlstn̩]

re·al, Komparativ: re·a·ler, Superlativ: am re·als·ten
[1] in materieller Form vorhanden
[2] auf die Wirklichkeit bezogen


lat.: realitas von „res“ - Ding


[1] bestehend, dinglich, existent, gegenständlich, sachlich
[2] de facto, faktisch, in der Tat, realitätsbezogen, tatsächlich, wirklich


[1] imaginär, virtuell
[2] irreal, nicht den Tatsachen entsprechend


[1] Die digitale Welt ist nicht real.
[2] Diese Geschichte ist nicht real.
[2] Sie ist ein kluges Mädchen; sie denkt real.
[2] „Die Filterung mit dem Parameterwert (X0 + Y0) ergab das am realsten erscheinende Abbild einer Störung bzw. von Stördaten. Es wird dann eine weitere Filterung durchgeführt wobei der zuvor variierte Parameter weiter vergrößert wird.“[1]
[2] „Diese Verhältnisse sind, auch wenn sie dem Westen missfallen, genauso real wie das demografische Ungleichgewicht, die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und die Korruption der Regime.“[2]

Abgeleitete Begriffe:

irreal, Realismus, Realität, surreal
Realpräsenz, Realteil, Realteilung, Realwert
  2. Clemens Höges, Bernhard Zand, Helene Zuber: Auf dem Vulkan. In: DER SPIEGEL 4, 2011, Seite 84-87, Zitat: Seite 87.

(englisch real; – echt [math.] reell, wahr, wirklich; spanisch real – königlich) bezeichnet: Source:

may also refer to:
Reality, the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or may be thought to be.




real (plural reals)

  1. A commodity; see reality.
  2. (grammar) One of the three genders that the common gender can be separated into in the Scandinavian languages.
  3. (mathematics) A real number.


real (comparative realer or more real, superlative realest or most real)

  1. That can be characterized as a confirmation of truth.
  2. That has physical existence.
    No one has ever seen a real unicorn.
  3. (economics) Having been adjusted to remove the effects of inflation; contrasted with nominal.
    My dad calculated my family's real consumption per month.
    What is the real GNP of this polity?
  4. (economics) Relating to the result of the actions of rational agents; relating to neoclassical economic models as opposed to Keynesian models.
  5. (mathematics, of a number) Being either a rational number, or the limit of a convergent infinite sequence of rational numbers: being one of a set of numbers with a one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line.
  6. (law) Relating to immovable tangible property.
    real estate
    real property
  7. That is an exemplary or pungent instance of a class or type.
    This is a real problem.
    Some say he is a real hero.
  8. genuine, not faked or substituted.
    These are real tears!
    Adopted at birth, I didn't meet my real father until I was 18.
  9. Genuine, not artificial.
    This is real leather.
  10. (slang) Signifying meritorious qualities or actions especially in regards to enjoying life, prowess at sports and success wooing potential partners.
    I'm keeping it real.


real (not comparable)
US) (colloquial) really.




  1. That has physical existence.
  2. That is a version of a fact or statistic (especially in economics) that is intended to reflect key fundamental trends.

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